Mother by the tree

It is my mother by the tree...
She is pretty cant you see

She was born in the month of may..
so was I u may say.

The leap in my feet
the nails not so neat
the hair never fussed
like mom never flushed

It is my mother by the tree
So pretty can u see

The red on her lips
the sway of her hips
the curls of her hair
bosom oh so fair

It is my mother by the tree
So pretty as pretty can be

The curls by her ears
some wet with her tears
Its joy says she to me
fine daughter like u, cant be!

It is my mother by the tree
White marble said johny Mc.Spree

The white of her teeth
bloodied by his feet
sweet sweat on her brow
let nobody know

It is..It is my mother by the tree
so pretty can you see

It is my pretty mother by the tree
who taught me grammer like it should be

'Is' for the present 'was' for the past
your self comes later put the ass in the last


It was my pretty mother by the tree
Who was as lively as life can be.

Inspired and rubbed by essence robbed off 'Phenomenal women'...
Dedicated to Amoli, a girl I met at the Mumbai suburban train. She told me she goes to school..She sells fancy earrings. Lost her mother while she was a little over 9years of age.
She smells of paan, and that worried me. I bought as much as I could from her, for the love of junk earrings and her story. She wore a bright flourocent green kurtha with a double shaded shimla embroidered work all over and around the neck. Intricate I thought then. Pretty dress despite the jarring colour. The dress becomes her..No it is Amoli's peculiar complexion that makes the kurta look the way it looked. She lives with thousand others near a station settlement she said. I must be careful and take care of myself from men after my puberty she said wide eyed with absolutely no innocence. she must be barely 13. She scremed to another girl with hairclips all over her little self as Oye Chooo...
The younger one took offence. I wondered why.....bright red lipstick I see. Obviously she does not get the email forwards that warn them about lead containing brands and lipsticks.
She said only 7 rupees for her "Leepistick"
Innocence I thought..sigh, and she went on to talk of her mother...then father.
I once put rat poison in his tea..but nothing happened...he just vomitted she said grimly.. I suddenly was glad that her merchandise did not have any edibles.
Why did you do that I asked....keeping my face as straight as I could.
What she said I wish i could forget....
Her mother was killed when a lightening struck the tree near her house. Thats all she knows....She came home dead black...same leepistick colour lips she said..
I saw her hop skip and jump as the train moved slowly..I heard a loud shriek...She was looking flirtaously at the moomphilli popcorn timepass fellow.. He pinched her at her waist again. She ran around the space between passengers..His pan stained teeth with a few flakes sticking to his black brown beard...UGH...
I said a silent prayer..I am sure she never goes to school...Amoli, This is for you dear girl..


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