I have been unemployed for sometime now,by unemployed I do not mean unoccupied. Occupied with real questions and surreal answers. When I attended my first real interview,I thought I was being real smart when I answered the panels question on where I see myself in the next 5 years. What a STUPID QUESTION??? I do not know where I would be this weekend, or if my dream job was to tell people that if they do not make that 834 rs payment immediately their account would go to the 2nd bucket after which the 3rd till the 7th. That I wished to join 1800 other people speaking in an accent that could put an three year old learning english to shame. Every interview had a similar question..different styles of course. 1. What is your long term goal? 2. Why this opportunity? 3. Where do you see yourself in the next..? 4. our resume is quite interesting, but how do you see suiting this option? 5. People say that maverics are dangerous, but you seem to have a plan...can we know? 6. Career Goal? 7. Why p...